standing book: interdependent originations
standing book: interdependent originations

2023 watercolor on plaster, painted wire, flax; 20 x 2” d.

standing book: interdependent originations  details
standing book: interdependent originations details

2023 watercolor on plaster, spray paint, wire, flax 20 x 2.5" d.

standing book: grace and mercy, alphabetized
standing book: grace and mercy, alphabetized

2023 watercolor on plaster, found wood, painted wire; 10 x 4 x 1.5”

standing book: grace and mercy, alphabetized   details
standing book: grace and mercy, alphabetized details

2023 watercolor on plaster, found wood, painted wire; 10 x 4 x 1.5”

standing book: disorganized realization
standing book: disorganized realization

2023 watercolor on plaster, found wood, painted wire; 14.5 x 4.5 x 2.5”

standing book: disorganized realization, detail
standing book: disorganized realization, detail

2023 watercolor on plaster, found wood, painted wire; 14.5 x 4.5 x 2.5”

standing book: 6 wise verbs, alphabetized
standing book: 6 wise verbs, alphabetized

2022 watercolor on plaster, wire, found wood; 18 x 4 x 5"

standing book: 6 wise verbs, alphabetized   detail
standing book: 6 wise verbs, alphabetized detail

2022 watercolor on plaster, wire, found wood; 18 x 4 x 5"

six wise verbs, #1
six wise verbs, #1

2022 chalk and pencil on paper with bamboo, wood, quartz; 14.5 x 19.5 x 5.5”

six wise verbs, #1 - details
six wise verbs, #1 - details

2022 chalk and pencil on paper with bamboo, wood, quartz; 14.5 x 19.5 x 5.5”

six wise verbs, #2
six wise verbs, #2

2022 ink on paper with bamboo, painted wood, acrylic; 15.5 x 15.5 x 5.5”

six wise verbs, #2 - details
six wise verbs, #2 - details

2022 ink on paper with bamboo, painted wood, acrylic; 15.5 x 15.5 x 5.5”

standing book: mistake
standing book: mistake

2022 paper, pencil, watercolor, bamboo, found wood; 18 x 6 x 4”

standing book: mistake   details
standing book: mistake details

2022 paper, pencil, watercolor, bamboo, found wood; 18 x 6 x 4”

standing book: sacred wisdom doesn't do anything
standing book: sacred wisdom doesn't do anything

2022 pencil, watercolor on paper with bamboo, acrylic on found wood; 15.5 x 12 x 4”

standing book: sacred wisdom doesn't do anything   details
standing book: sacred wisdom doesn't do anything details

2022 pencil, watercolor on paper with bamboo, acrylic on found wood; 15.5 x 12 x 4”

teachings: twining vines "in fact, words and understanding do not necessarily match"
teachings: twining vines "in fact, words and understanding do not necessarily match"

2022 watercolor and pencil on paper with bamboo and wood; 14.5 x 16.5 x 5.5” dogen 1239 ce

teachings: twining vines   details
teachings: twining vines details

2022 watercolor and pencil on paper with bamboo and wood; 14.5 x 16.5 x 5.5” dogen 1239 ce

teachings: going beyond buddha "wait until i don't talk, then you hear it"
teachings: going beyond buddha "wait until i don't talk, then you hear it"

2022 watercolor, pencil, gouache on paper with bamboo, wood 12 x 8 x 4”

teachings: going beyond buddha   details
teachings: going beyond buddha details

2022 watercolor, pencil, gouache on paper with bamboo, wood 12 x 8 x 4” detail views

standing book: eternal now
standing book: eternal now

2022 ink, watercolor, pencil on paper with bamboo, found wood; 15.5 x 5.5 x 3.5”

standing book: eternal now     details
standing book: eternal now details

2022 ink, watercolor, pencil on paper with bamboo, found wood; 15.5 x 5.5 x 3.5”

teachings: shobogenzo "if words cannot express it, is nothing to be said?"
teachings: shobogenzo "if words cannot express it, is nothing to be said?"

2022 watercolor, pencil, gouache on paper with bamboo, wood 12 x 14 x 4”

teachings: shobogenzo   details
teachings: shobogenzo details

2022 watercolor, pencil, gouache on paper with bamboo, wood 12 x 14 x 4”

philosophical works: actualizing the fundamental point
philosophical works: actualizing the fundamental point

2021 found book (1877) with paint, sumi ink, watercolor 9-1/2 x 6 x 2”

text by dogen, c. 1242 ce

poetical imagery: oneness and differentiation are not necessarily fixed
poetical imagery: oneness and differentiation are not necessarily fixed

2021 found book (1867) with paint, sumi ink, watercolor 9-1/2 x 6 x 2”

text by dogen, c. 1242 ce

standing book: now
standing book: now

2022 ink, acrylic on found paper, bamboo, found wood; 20 x 4 x 4”

standing book: now     details
standing book: now details

2022 ink, acrylic on found paper, bamboo, found wood; 20 x 4 x 4”

medicine buddha
medicine buddha

2021 paper, wood, steel, watercolor, acrylic 14 x 6 x 9”

medicine buddha, details
medicine buddha, details

2021 paper, wood, steel, watercolor, acrylic 14 x 6 x 9”

disturbing news about a friend
disturbing news about a friend

2016 paper, wood, plastic, paint, staples 9 x 6 x 6”

onehundredeightbuddhas, alphabetized
onehundredeightbuddhas, alphabetized

2016 paper, wood, steel and paint 12 x 8 x 6”

chance diaries, dream things: letters in storage
chance diaries, dream things: letters in storage

2018 papier mache, steel, paint, lurex, silicone 72 x 48” d. installation view

book: box of words, 2018
book: box of words, 2018

cut printed paper

overall size, 12 x 12 x 18”

installation view

standing book: interdependent originations
standing book: interdependent originations  details
standing book: grace and mercy, alphabetized
standing book: grace and mercy, alphabetized   details
standing book: disorganized realization
standing book: disorganized realization, detail
standing book: 6 wise verbs, alphabetized
standing book: 6 wise verbs, alphabetized   detail
six wise verbs, #1
six wise verbs, #1 - details
six wise verbs, #2
six wise verbs, #2 - details
standing book: mistake
standing book: mistake   details
standing book: sacred wisdom doesn't do anything
standing book: sacred wisdom doesn't do anything   details
teachings: twining vines "in fact, words and understanding do not necessarily match"
teachings: twining vines   details
teachings: going beyond buddha "wait until i don't talk, then you hear it"
teachings: going beyond buddha   details
standing book: eternal now
standing book: eternal now     details
teachings: shobogenzo "if words cannot express it, is nothing to be said?"
teachings: shobogenzo   details
philosophical works: actualizing the fundamental point
poetical imagery: oneness and differentiation are not necessarily fixed
standing book: now
standing book: now     details
medicine buddha
medicine buddha, details
disturbing news about a friend
onehundredeightbuddhas, alphabetized
chance diaries, dream things: letters in storage
book: box of words, 2018
standing book: interdependent originations

2023 watercolor on plaster, painted wire, flax; 20 x 2” d.

standing book: interdependent originations details

2023 watercolor on plaster, spray paint, wire, flax 20 x 2.5" d.

standing book: grace and mercy, alphabetized

2023 watercolor on plaster, found wood, painted wire; 10 x 4 x 1.5”

standing book: grace and mercy, alphabetized details

2023 watercolor on plaster, found wood, painted wire; 10 x 4 x 1.5”

standing book: disorganized realization

2023 watercolor on plaster, found wood, painted wire; 14.5 x 4.5 x 2.5”

standing book: disorganized realization, detail

2023 watercolor on plaster, found wood, painted wire; 14.5 x 4.5 x 2.5”

standing book: 6 wise verbs, alphabetized

2022 watercolor on plaster, wire, found wood; 18 x 4 x 5"

standing book: 6 wise verbs, alphabetized detail

2022 watercolor on plaster, wire, found wood; 18 x 4 x 5"

six wise verbs, #1

2022 chalk and pencil on paper with bamboo, wood, quartz; 14.5 x 19.5 x 5.5”

six wise verbs, #1 - details

2022 chalk and pencil on paper with bamboo, wood, quartz; 14.5 x 19.5 x 5.5”

six wise verbs, #2

2022 ink on paper with bamboo, painted wood, acrylic; 15.5 x 15.5 x 5.5”

six wise verbs, #2 - details

2022 ink on paper with bamboo, painted wood, acrylic; 15.5 x 15.5 x 5.5”

standing book: mistake

2022 paper, pencil, watercolor, bamboo, found wood; 18 x 6 x 4”

standing book: mistake details

2022 paper, pencil, watercolor, bamboo, found wood; 18 x 6 x 4”

standing book: sacred wisdom doesn't do anything

2022 pencil, watercolor on paper with bamboo, acrylic on found wood; 15.5 x 12 x 4”

standing book: sacred wisdom doesn't do anything details

2022 pencil, watercolor on paper with bamboo, acrylic on found wood; 15.5 x 12 x 4”

teachings: twining vines "in fact, words and understanding do not necessarily match"

2022 watercolor and pencil on paper with bamboo and wood; 14.5 x 16.5 x 5.5” dogen 1239 ce

teachings: twining vines details

2022 watercolor and pencil on paper with bamboo and wood; 14.5 x 16.5 x 5.5” dogen 1239 ce

teachings: going beyond buddha "wait until i don't talk, then you hear it"

2022 watercolor, pencil, gouache on paper with bamboo, wood 12 x 8 x 4”

teachings: going beyond buddha details

2022 watercolor, pencil, gouache on paper with bamboo, wood 12 x 8 x 4” detail views

standing book: eternal now

2022 ink, watercolor, pencil on paper with bamboo, found wood; 15.5 x 5.5 x 3.5”

standing book: eternal now details

2022 ink, watercolor, pencil on paper with bamboo, found wood; 15.5 x 5.5 x 3.5”

teachings: shobogenzo "if words cannot express it, is nothing to be said?"

2022 watercolor, pencil, gouache on paper with bamboo, wood 12 x 14 x 4”

teachings: shobogenzo details

2022 watercolor, pencil, gouache on paper with bamboo, wood 12 x 14 x 4”

philosophical works: actualizing the fundamental point

2021 found book (1877) with paint, sumi ink, watercolor 9-1/2 x 6 x 2”

text by dogen, c. 1242 ce

poetical imagery: oneness and differentiation are not necessarily fixed

2021 found book (1867) with paint, sumi ink, watercolor 9-1/2 x 6 x 2”

text by dogen, c. 1242 ce

standing book: now

2022 ink, acrylic on found paper, bamboo, found wood; 20 x 4 x 4”

standing book: now details

2022 ink, acrylic on found paper, bamboo, found wood; 20 x 4 x 4”

medicine buddha

2021 paper, wood, steel, watercolor, acrylic 14 x 6 x 9”

medicine buddha, details

2021 paper, wood, steel, watercolor, acrylic 14 x 6 x 9”

disturbing news about a friend

2016 paper, wood, plastic, paint, staples 9 x 6 x 6”

onehundredeightbuddhas, alphabetized

2016 paper, wood, steel and paint 12 x 8 x 6”

chance diaries, dream things: letters in storage

2018 papier mache, steel, paint, lurex, silicone 72 x 48” d. installation view

book: box of words, 2018

cut printed paper

overall size, 12 x 12 x 18”

installation view

show thumbnails